Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Maybe Christmas dosen't come from a store... Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little more

As I shared earlier I graduated from college 3ish weeks ago so I didn't have a bankroll to buy gifts with this holiday season. I only made three of the gifts I gave, but those three saved me some dough.I crocheted scarves for three special ladies, my mother-in-law, my grandmother-in-law and my Granny. As I sat down to write tonight I realized that I forgot to take pictures of all of these gifts :( The grandma's scarves were very simple single and double crochet patterns that didn't take long to create. My mother-in-law's on the other hand, was a stitch new to me called the crocodile stitch.

NOT the one I made

Her scarf looked just like this but it was heather gray, and boy was it a doosie! I wanted to make more than one but since it was my first time it took a while, and two whole skeins of yarn! Not to mention I had to watch a 30 minute long YouTube tutorial after reading the directions to understand what they meant! She loved it so it was well worth it! Next Christmas I plan to be more prepared and organized in my Christmas crafting.
My Daddy even got in on the holiday crafting and made me the cutest snowman to stand by my front door!

The scarf in this picture I made a couple of years ago!
-Merry Christmas & Enjoy!-

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree...

Finally after graduation (eeekkkkk) the other weekend my husband took me to the tree farm to pick out the perfect tree. He felt bad for not taking me sooner so he said I could have whatever tree that I wanted... Bad idea :) We got a monster tree and I Love it so much even though Jock says I have lost my tree picking privileges... It finally feels like Christmas in our house!
To save some money this year, since I am a poor officially graduated college student, I have made some Christmas gifts. I will share them after they are given, I don't want to spoil them for their recipients.
-Merry Christmas-

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Totally Awesome Vintage Tree

I love love love old vintage things, so when I saw a scraggly cardboard box at my Granny's house this summer I was beyond extatic. In this scraggly box was a silver aluminum tensil christmas tree...still in the original box!! I knew that I just had to have it! Granny gladly said I could have her christmas tree, anything for the favorite granddaughter right?!  I'm guessing that my Granny and Papa purchased the tree around 1962 or 1963, but I'm still on the hunt for a picture of them with the tree.We also found some awesome vintage ornaments in the attic!! Sadly the color wheel has long been lost, but one day I will find a replacement!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Thanksgiving of Firsts

This year my husband and I took on the task of hosting our very first Thanksgiving in our home! The holidays are such a busy time so we decided to simplify and have both of our families over at once so we could all spend time together. We ended up entertaining ten guest. My mom came over early and we attempted dressing for the first time using my granny's recipe and I must say it turned out well. ...or the pan speaks for itself. :)
After all of the food was gobbled up and football was on T.V us ladies settled back down around the table of some wreath making to kick off the christmas season. We used  this tutorial from pinterest to guide our creativity! It was great to spend time with my mom and mother-in-law at the same time doing something fun. We thought we could skip the hot glue step, but we ended up having to go back and do it so I highly recomend you do it!

This is my finished product!

Throughout the month of November my husband and I also kept a thankful tree. Each day we wrote something that we were thankful for on a leaf and tied it onto our "tree". (We missed a few days because we didn't start on November 1st)
All in all we had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of firsts and I hope all of these 'new' things that we did this year will become tradition in years to come!