Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm glad that I didn't decide to make my new year's resolution to blog more often, because that sure hasn't happened! Its the 9 of January and I can already tell its going to be an amazing year. Last week while shopping at Hobby Lobby, my most favorite store in the whole world, I was called and asked to come in for a job interview out of the blue. A long term sub position in the third grade. I was beyond excited, especially since I didn't even apply for the job, it just 'fell' into my lap. When I hung up the phone with the principal all I could think about was how thankful I was for the opportunity, and how humbling, but amazing it was that God worked and wove so many different things and people together to make this opportunity available to ME at exactly the right time! Today was my first day teaching  the group of rowdy third graders, but I loved almost every minute of it. This morning sitting in my teacher's desk I heard the bell ring and little 3rd and 4th grade feet come hurrying down the hall. All I could think was this is it, here we go, please God let me be able to do this I was so nervous. At times I felt as if everything was under control and others I felt like I didn't have a clue what was going on. I just kept reminding myself that it was only the 1st day. It hasn't sank in that I'm all "grown up" now with a job that I spend too long in school to have. I know the next month is going to be an adventure and I can't wait to see where God takes me next!